Sunday, September 25, 2011

Deer Class - Week 3

This week in Deer class, it was all about likes and dislikes.  Not only did the students learn lots of new food-related vocabulary, but also how to express their preferences toward those foods.  I was pleasantly surprised to see how many of my students would choose vegetables over pizza.  We spent much of the week studying these new vocabulary and sentence patterns.  The students behaved very well this week and as a reward, we used our new vocabulary and sentence structures to have a play restaurant in the classroom on Friday.  Students got to take turns being the waiters and customers.  Everyone had so much fun!  I'll post pictures of our restaurant on Flikr soon.

In phonics this week, we learned all about the letter "d".  The students learned the new phonics rhyme, "Ducks a-digging, d-d-d" as well as lots of new "d" vocabulary.  I think there favorites of the "d" vocabulary were "dinosaur" and "dad".

In math this week, we talked about a point and line.  We tried hard to convey that a line is really just many points place closely together.  The students all got to take turns making lines and points on the whiteboard as well as with little colored discs on the floor.  They had a lot of fun.

Continuing with our food theme from English, in Science this week we talked about the importance of eating healthy.  We divided our food vocabulary into a "healthy food" list and a "junk food" list.  The kids had a lot of fun offering up suggestions for each list.

This week's song was "Father Abraham", which teaches muscle coordination.  It's a very active song, so the students love it.

Next week, on Tuesday, we are planning to take the class to the Zoo.  Jessica and I have been preparing them for that by implementing a partner system.  Each student has a partner who he/she eats and sits next to, this way when we go to the Zoo, if everyone stays with their partner it will much easier for them to enjoy the Zoo in a safe and orderly fashion.

And are this week's Star Students: Ryan, Stella, Lucas, Elly, Rueben*, Candy, Herman, and Mars.  These students earned this award by earning stars for especially good behavior on a given day of class.  Great job!

Star Students (*indicates that the student has earned the award multiple times this week)









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